Ingredients of Delta 09♥:
1 adventurous aj,
1 charging chandni,
1 chio chenting,
1 vigilant viona,
1 CUTEST chih-yin,
1 k-rispy kelly,
1 smart shumei,
1 yee-li-cious yeeshan,
1 jolly jovina,
1 loving lynette,
1 happy hooichoo,
1 sexy syazwani,
1 soapy sophy,
1 joking jiayue,
a spoonful of fun,
bottles of love,
sprinkles of joy,
Mix well and there you have it,
a crazy platoon called Delta 09





images:US! deviantart

Wednesday 25 July 2007
hey platoonmates(:

well, i know everybody's very busy and under stressed nowadays...
plus, NC is getting busier and kind of tougher too...
SMILE ALWAYS, platoonmates!
always look on the bright side of life.....

one of the best ways to stay united...
is that we forget about anything that's bad in the past
and once again...
stay happy! :D

P.S sorry for not being able to make it for part talk today! :/

if you wonder who i am....
i'm your ol' timer!


Monday 23 July 2007
i know there is a conflict/problem in our part currently and everyone's is getting very stressed out. even our NEW NCOs con tell and this is only our first activity today. so obviously it has become quite serious. i know there is a lot of sorry messages going around and i feel that it has become quite meaningless. i know what are you all going to say, that you are all just trying to solve the problem. i never say there was anything wrong with it. but just think, everytime we have a problem, we only say sorry, sorry and more sorry. but are we actually doing anyhting by apologising? i don't see a point in apologising if the problem is still there. i know this year is very stressful for all of us. there is streaming going on and that determines a lot for us. if there is a problem, we should face it fast before it gets out of hand. the stress is starting for us and we are the "part Cs to be". (quoted from sgt wendy & sgt shiyu) i know kelly has been putting in a lot of effort in helping us bond by planning a lot of part outings that unfortunately has not been able to happen bcus of the lack of people turning up. i am not pinpointing anyone here but if you look closely, our part is actually falling apart. sgt wendy can even see that we are not as good as last time. this i think is mostly bcus of us splitting up into different groups. we are not united if only a few of us are trying. i bet everyone is very tired of this talk already but this has started from a small problem to a big problem, and if we don't do something abt it, it will be harder. i hope you all think about some ways to help our part. IGNORE THIS MESSAGE IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO READ IT. I WILL NOT FORCE YOU.

in snr cherie's letter, she mentioned to me that i need to bond more with people who i am not too close with. i am very sorry if that person is you. so if you don't mind, pls drop me a tag or a message, sms anything if you feel that i do not bond close enough with you. i will bond more and give you more attention if you want. let me know.

i know you may find a lot of it as crap and do not wish to read it i do not mind.

--------------------skip if you dun wanna know some of the bad parts of me--------------------

i can say that i have some bad mood swings some times so at those times i am more irritable i know that. it may have caused some of you to be angry at me or feel that i am not putting in an effort. its ok i know that some of you have thoughts like that i don't mind. if you haven't realised that, those times happen very recently around ROD. some of you may have experienced it. so just to let all of you know.

------------------------------END OF SOME OF MY BAD PARTS-----------------------------

i know i may sound unfeelingless here but i just want to say this. the snrs are already not our NCOs so there is no point missing them. they will just be part of our memories like maam hazimah and snr vanya. so we shld not miss them at all. when we think abt the past, we are unable to put the feelings we have towards them down. this may be what's holding is back. when smthing new comes, we shld welcome it with open arms and try to adapt. this way, we can move forward easily. i know that what i said is very heartless here.(even my sis tells me that) it is like asking you to drop the past year relationship with the snrs. but think carefully, we ae going nowhere now when we are missing them. that is what i feel. if you think it does not apply to you them pls ignore the message.

POORANI: i know the stress you are under. my parents are like that also. they expect good results for me. my dad has also set targets for me which i have to achieve. my mid-years were not done very well too. i can say that my dad expects me to be in top 10 with an average of 65% and above with only As and Bs. i know it is not as bad as yours straight A1s but we are all here together to help each other. maybe if you want, we can plan some study sessions together as a part and we can help each other study if you want.

KELLY: part outing at my house is ok if you want. just give me a date and i can plan for you all what to do at my hs. we can have a sleepover if you all want. but then if all 15 of us were to come, we must comprimise a bit and probably sleep in the living room or somewhere. you can also sleep in the open if you want. just let me know. i asked my parents abt it last yr and they said ok. so just let me know when you want to come over. i don't mind.


i really hope that b4 this year ends, we can be a part that is united and everyone is happy for us even the current specs and snrs.



ok i know SM doesn't want any more "sorry" posts. but this is the last one i hope.well,here goes.

well, all of you know that i have to frequently skip activities because my parents say i can't go. you all MAY think " why is she ruining our attendance? why can't she just persuade her parents?" and stuff like that. i'm not saying that's wrong.
my parents are very very VERY strict when it comes to studies. last year, i didn't do so well and my parents said that NO holiday activities. then come this year, because i came home late after every activity, they said, go for activities once a week only. i tried arguing that attendance was the main requirement and i didn't want to let you guys down but they just didn't listen. i know some of you may have tried to tell me details of stuff through smses. well, my mum is using my phone and she gets angry every time a message comes through so guys, pls dun sms me anything. if you really have to tell/ask me something, call my home,ok? this may strike as overboard or too much but that's the way my parents are and i really can't argue with them without risking them banning from nc altogether. in a way they are right because i do come home late and i can't revise because i'm usually too tired. i do want to come down for every single activity for BRAVO'07 and not let you guys/our new ncos down. but you have to see that i simply can't go against my parents.
my parents say that i can go for activities 2 times a week only if i get all AIs for cmn tests.

so i hope you guys now know what is the situation and understand why i can't come evry time for activities/part meetings/things organised by kelly and stuff. i'll try my best and i'm going to talk to ma'am ho to see if she can do something about this. i feel so disappointed that i can't come for the very 1st activity with our new ncos. pls forgive me,ok?

feel a whole lot better now. hope you guys understand. :)

-poorani :)


Are you all free next tuesday?
Maybe i organising party at my house for us to bond...
Tell me if you free and whether you wana come k?
Thank you!
VV! i wana go your house one day!!!
organise k?
ke li mei mei-


Sunday 22 July 2007
ok. here it goes.
dear platoonmates(:
i think part of what kelly and sophy said was right.
we don't have much time left.

but on second thought,
we have lots of ways to bond together,
to stay united as one.
ok, i don't seem to be speaking like the normal me,
but i'll just say what i feel.
i feel that this part
BRAVO '07 (clap clap!)
is actually a very lucky part
a very respectful part
and a very enthu part (:
i'm not trying to what, say all this so as to let you ppl think good of me,
but this is just how i feel.

i admit,
i am the person in our part
that cannot tolerate criticism.
and a very inpatient person.
having such personalities,
therefore, i didn't mind being the not-so-welcomed in the part.
(and of course, not trying to blame anybody :D)
ok, i may want to apologise now
but there's just one thing i fear
is that i cannot change in time.
i cannot change the bad side of me, within weeks
i'll at least need months.
but i'm trying.

ok, to almost everybody,
being alone is a torture.
but i admit,
there was this certain period of time in primary school,
where i became a loner.
and there was only 1 best friend.
my class had 39 pupils
i was always the one left out
it took quite a long time before this time ended
and things turned well
and people became lining up in threes to add me in.
in fact, that was what i somehow was trying to do now.
all i could do is wait.

if you guys were to realise,
(not trying to praise myself)
i tried to cheer you people up
even those who were not-that-good to me
i tried to help in one way or another
to the best of my ability.
ok, maybe not every single time.
but times when i could.
i am always waiting.
waiting for what?
waiting for myself to be willingly accepted, in a good way.
sometimes i think it's wrong to wait.
i should be the ones approaching you people instead,
it's a 2 way thing, right?
but i for a few times when i tried,
i was kind of turned down indirectly.
therefore, i gave up.
during the breaks and everything
i began sitting alone at one side.
i began lacking the courage to approach you people again.

i began trying to seek attention
but of course,
it didn't turn out right
so i went back normal again.
i admit
i used to blame you people for what's happening to me
for me being the not-so-welcomed
but when i really thought
hey, who was the one who caused all this?
of course, the answer was myself.
i have nobody to blame.

does this post sounded like i was trying to blame you all?
if it's yes, then change the thought, ok?
it's NO(:
haha my english is not good,
so i don't know how to tone it properly.

all in all
i just want you guys to know
i am always there when you guys need me
no matter who you are
and that i seriously need to apologise for my own bloody attitude.
(and thanks to sophy and kelly who typed their previous post that reminded me of what i am myself, or i wouldn't know how to voice it out to you all)

smile always, all the best for your upcoming tests! :D

yours faithfully,
your part timer.


dear platoon mates, i know that i have been rather bad-tempered the passed few days and have caused much stress and unhappiness among all of us. but all i want to say is that i didnt really mean to be so bitchy and bossy, i just wanted to get things done. perhaps whatever i say now maybe unsincere or you all may just take this as another post of attention seeking. no matter what you all feel or think about this post, i really dun mind. i just want to get what i want to really to say to all of you from the bottom of my heart off my chest. R.O.D was just a few days ago. and since that day, i have been thinking, its less than a year that we all have to bond with each other before we really get on with our own business as becoming different post. well, thats not the main thing. about another 2 years later, its our R.O.D. i tried putting myself in the senior's shoes after the parade and reflected:
2 years from now, we will be thinking back NOW and thought about the moments we had together, but will it be a good and memorable memory for everyone?

its been more than 1 1/2 years since we've been together. and for this period of time, i really want to thank every single one of you for tolerating with my nonsense and my temper. i know that theres been many gossips about me behind my back, but i dun blame you all. coz its my fault for being the 'bad' one you see. however, what i really dun understand is that why cant we just talk things out face to face? it may hurt, but it hurts even more when you hear it from others. conflicts conflict conflicts. i know that most of them are concerning me. there was even a period of time when almost the whole part dislike me, said i was bossy and blah. perhaps it still occurs to you now. however, will this image of me remain in all of your minds forever? at times i feel really deperate, to tell you all how much you all really mean to me. but thinking about it, perhaps not all of you will really understand the meaning of it. and i seriously duno how to express myself. that statement might just be ignored by some of you all.

for the past few months of year 2007, i tried my very best to pull the part together, i wanted us to be united, desperately, especially when the juniors are in. i did all i could. i wrote letters to you all, i organised part meetings and so on. [dun misunderstood, i am not saying all these to make all my efforts recognised.] but i thought to myself, not all of you really appreciate my letters, not all of you bothered to come down at that time. i blamed everyone at that time. i admit, i really did. now, thinking back, actually i only have myself to blame for everything. after what senior wj told me, then did i realised that everything i did was wrong. to be truthful, she said that the way i did / planned things was not respecting the part. i understood her remark. and since then, everything i wanted to plan, i would ask for all of your opinions. however, to much disappointment, not everybody replied to my sms. i didnt know what to do then. and so for the pass few part meetings organised, i started losing my patience because ppl just refused to cooperate. i did a lot of mean things that i should not have done. well, its best if i admit. i scolded the g3 people behind their backs, i said f***g3. i complained and complained to some others about those who refuse to cooperate. okay, i sincerely apologise, it was said out of a moment of anger. the sms i sent to all of you, i sounded as if i was ordering you all, which wasn't right. i shouted at all of you. and i really want to apologise for all of that. i am very sorry.

now, its only less than a year we have left together. i would really want to make the best out of this period of time. for me, its still hard for me to let go of seniors. looking at how hard senior sophia cried really ached. let me tell you all something. i used to hate the whole of delta 07 at the very beginning coz i felt that they were mean as they didnt allow us to talk to delta 06 seniors. i really hated them a lot. i only managed to really accept them until nearing the end of 2006. i regretted now. why do i only learn to appreciate them when they're gone? i cry myself to sleep every night. partly because i miss them, partly also because i am scared of entering part c life. its tough and i fear that i wont be able to take it. we've hurt our ex-ncos, and i dun wana do the same to the present ones now. i am really very scared of them, they are like so fierce. i really regret loads for not appreciating the seniors. but its all too late. right now, i am thinking if we will really stay united through our part c to be life?

i really am very very sorry for all that i have done. the hurt is caused and nothing can change the fact. but all i ask is for all of your forgiveness. i dun enjoyed being dao-ed, nor do i enjoy being restricted to say what i want to. i am very very sorry platoon mates. can we all start afresh?

chih yin, i am really very sorry for whatever i have done to make you so cold towards me. i have done everything i could to improve our relationship. i hope you can sense my sincerity...

i am willing to change, for the better... give me some time... i hope that we could have a thresh out talk one day...can someone organise it?

love all of you forever,
ke li mei mei-


Saturday 21 July 2007
HI! Ppl!
in case you guys dun know im…. Drum rolls*
SOPHY! And this is my second time posting
I will be known as the BONDING MACHINE FROM now on..
Can call me BM too. (big mouth. ahah)
Then this post is gonna be quite long so I hope when you are reading pls understand my situation because of what happened ytd. I know I was the one of the few who cried the first.
And really dun hope to get bad replies from you all.
Coz I really think that im in no postion to order you all
And this post is not like say a order like “ you must do this” its just sharing of my views that ive never really got a chance to say out,
before its too late.
Ahah. I very shy leh.
This is what ive seen in put the part for 2 years and not really noticing anything for the first year.
I will start with my self
Here is what Snr WJ said in my letter “the impression you give is an outstanding cadet who is not willing to live up to it”
Im not trying to boast here but I believe she sees this in every one of you.
So my point is that I know same of you are sian of nc since of delta 07 took over.
But we really really have to consider what place does crez nc stand in our heart.
Here are your choices (no sarcastism)
a) somewhere important where I have to fight for the glory
b) somewhere hidden in my heart that im not sure to go 100% for it
d) heck lah, I dun know why im here.
For me, I chose b and I really believe that there are ppl above me to aim for choice A.
We got to think, each year,
seniors and ma’ams come back for crez ncc coz they have done their part and doesn’t want to see crescent nc fall and instead want to see it in better hands.
All we have left is 1 year,
to our day,
it a decision between us whether it’s the end of nc or its just the start to greater heights.
i not standing on who ever side,
but I think what ever snrs have wrote in our letter can really make us improve.
Throw away our sentimentality of our snrs,
and lets move on,
move on to open our hearts to our new specs.
Im not trying to ask you guys to forget snrs, but just put them in aside in our hearts. Give a chance to sgts.
And also,
as a platoon mate,
it really hurts to see the part apart,
not say that you guys are but I hope you all put aside all those prejudice of our platoon mates meaning,
dun judge her because of what she did previously.
dun be lonely,
don’t isolate anyone,
don’t isolate yourself.
We have to open our self up before accepting someone.
Open your eyes to the people AROUND you not just those near you.
Too many People are getting hurt because of this;
someone once said that “those people who have been protecting others are those that really need protection”.
It was really really my pleasure to know you guys
If you guys know that a BM can’t function without batteries and other parts.
Help me make our part a better one.
Trust your platoonmates and we will make it through part C life TOGETHER.
Regardless of the post you individually want to get.
Conflicts are solved as a part,
I hope you guys would make the effort for the part and try to change.
I WILL change to be a more serious person, ok?
I hope to release the stress on each of you guys so,
try to come down on part meetings.
I shall not be the one who is going the decide on the date.
But Ive a line up of activities for you guys..
ok !!
I spent 3hours writing a post of 650 words. :D TAG< AND REPLY!


Saturday 14 July 2007
hihi there lance corporals!
this is vv here and i am the manager of SOPHY'S FAN CLUB!
today, we have 3 pple in this club now and they are
me of course VV
the wonderful mother of sophy Lee Yee Shan,
and JY
if u would like to join the great club of SOPHY'S WORSHIPPERS,
you can come find me!
lets all worship the all great and mighty SOPHY that LOVES DBSK!
~ love vv aka manager of the great sophy fan club


Friday 13 July 2007
hello hello:D
so now we are lance corporals!
lance corporal chenting!
remember if you are doing attendance list then must put lcp and not pte anymore!
i think today's activity was super duper fun.
this is just a crap post
i like very long never post liao.
so. have you all watched harry potter?!
he's getting uglier though.
yep. i think i'm very random:/
ya. and hows pbl going?
i hate pbl.
i hate my pbl group more.
oh well. lets not talk about unhappy stuff.
yep. it was so funny when they smash the whipped cream on her face.
i smell like puke for the rest of the day.
so i guess thats it.

-love,chenting the ego head


heyy ppl...
congrats, we are Lance Corporals now!!
Must treasure our ranks kk??
hahaha... so lame-_-'''
aniways, today was fun!!
esp. the whipped cream fight part..
but i smell lyk viomit..
thx to WU JIA YUE!!
she throw tt whole thing at me!!
i could not see properly whn i chase after her!!
arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... haha
hope you all had fun today:D
she say tt it's her best birthday leh!!
omg.. so honoured!!<3333333>
i m crazy now!!
LCP rank is <33>
dun be too proud..


if u happen to crack the password and get into here..
i bet u cant... hahaha]

i dun think i nid to say hu i m... u all should noe from my lameness...
i m the 色咪咪/ 色bei bei!!
i m so insulted can?!
haha.. i m 色 lor...
i m lyk the most un色 one in the part can!!! arrrrrrrrrrrrr
the insulted chih-yin.. lao kan.. kan shit.. blah!
nvm... i shall be honoured to haf a name..

u noe wad?! i oways got the most names one lor...
in primary sch, my class(friends) and our part.. and now the specs...

andand... u noe wad??
from now onwards...
Friday the 13= BRAVO'05 DAY= LCP'07 DAY<333
tt's lame.. haha


Saturday 7 July 2007

Hello there, is Sunday Night IC JIAYUE posting here

( For audiences ONLY (: )

  • Event: The NCC day Parade
  • Venue: Yio Chu Kang MRT station
  • Time: *4.30 pm - **8.30 pm
  • Attire: Full No.4 (beret and jockey cap)
  • Behavior: like a Crescent NCC cadet :D
  • Bring along: bread and sandwich, snacks and drinks :D
    (Because food will not be provided for pathetic audience)

be at Yio Chu Kang MRT station 10 minute early than the actually time of 4.30
** The parade is supposed to end at 8.30 pm but can be later or so

We will wait for the specialists to come and bring us to HQ
If you are curious of who are the specialist, they are
- Sergeant Shermain
- Sergeant Delight
- Sergeant Nabihah (Arrrg…don’t know how to spell)

Ohh, then because food is not provided, do you all wanna eat SUPPER together
OK anyway!! See you all there (((:



<3 YA LOADS...



SO ITS 07/07/07 AT 07:07AM...


Monday 2 July 2007
ALL 14 OF U..



Sunday 1 July 2007

This is probably the first time I'm posting something up here. Hahahaha okay so today was the MILKRUN MARATHON so some of us went down to support our platoonmates and Part As and Corporals. Out of everyone, Chandi got the number 12th tag! Which is good but she didn't get any prize though. Just to inform you guys of the events today (:


