Ingredients of Delta 09♥:
1 adventurous aj,
1 charging chandni,
1 chio chenting,
1 vigilant viona,
1 CUTEST chih-yin,
1 k-rispy kelly,
1 smart shumei,
1 yee-li-cious yeeshan,
1 jolly jovina,
1 loving lynette,
1 happy hooichoo,
1 sexy syazwani,
1 soapy sophy,
1 joking jiayue,
a spoonful of fun,
bottles of love,
sprinkles of joy,
Mix well and there you have it,
a crazy platoon called Delta 09





images:US! deviantart

Thursday 31 July 2008
hey platoonmates!!
thanks a lot for all that today!
i would be stronger
and sorry for breaking down so easily
im fine now
its just that im quite moody and harder to be happy
so don't be mistaken that im pissed with you or something kays?
thanks for all the sms and all the encouraging words.
i feel better now
i love charlie :D:D <3
sophy <3

P.S: who told somebody else about this arh.......... i know that person knows what im talking a bout. but thanks for being worried for me. im not angry


Sunday 27 July 2008


You have to send me (AJ) the National Heritage Document by 5pm, Monday, 280708. I'll print out the hardcopies for you guys. And please please hand it in, no excuses - as quoted by ma'am ho.

Good luck, AJ!


Wednesday 23 July 2008
hi Charlie!

just something cool that i want to let all of you see.

haha (:

haha, cos i'm stuck at home due to food poisoning, so might as well update the part blog right!




Sunday 20 July 2008

sorry don't have entire charlie.
i try to find a nice pic with entire charlie inside, k? (:
hope you guys like the pic.
i just suddenly felt like editing it after yesterday's incident.

ain't we proud of ourselves :)
love you guys loads


hi charlie.

i just want to say sorry too.

sorry if i was the one who stopped us from getting the badge.

i'm sorry i wasn't there.
i'm sorry.

but i know it is too late, it is not worth forgiving.

but whatever it is, i'll just like to state the reasons.
i was almost grounded by the boarding school for returning late after CCA for many occasions.
but at last, they didn't ground me, made me do office duty. so i was late today.

i'm sorry platoonmates, i really want to be there with you guys.

i'm sorry. i am never punctual.



Saturday 19 July 2008
will you be able to understand says (10:22 有仟):
hey are you okay?
will you be able to understand says (10:22 有仟):
i heard about it.
Sophy is.. (so cute) humble says (10:22 有仟):
good evening snr
Sophy is.. (so cute) humble says (10:22 有仟):
yes snr
Sophy is.. (so cute) humble says (10:22 有仟):
thank you snr
will you be able to understand says (10:22 有仟):
dont worry okay? nobody expected it to happen. yeap (:
Sophy is.. (so cute) humble says (10:23 有仟):
yes snr
will you be able to understand says (10:23 有仟):
and you are also a leader learning in the process as well, nobody can blame you
Sophy is.. (so cute) humble says (10:23 有仟):
thank you snr
will you be able to understand says (10:23 有仟):
its a first time experience for everyone
will you be able to understand says (10:24 有仟):
(: cheer up (:
Sophy is.. (so cute) humble says (10:24 有仟):
yes snr
Sophy is.. (so cute) humble says (10:24 有仟):
thank you snr
will you be able to understand says (10:26 有仟):
dont go and think bout it okay? its not worth and you wont be able to change anything, just be on your guard in the future (: jiayou!
Sophy is.. (so cute) humble says (10:29 有仟):
thank you snr
Sophy is.. (so cute) humble says (10:33 有仟):
snr, jovina said thank you, snr
will you be able to understand says (10:34 有仟):
tell her welcome (: she take care too!
Sophy is.. (so cute) humble says (10:34 有仟):
snr may i ask how you knew, snr?
will you be able to understand says (10:34 有仟):
i heard from your snr xl, she was told
will you be able to understand says (10:35 有仟):
then i read your blogs
Sophy is.. (so cute) humble says (10:38 有仟):
yes snr
Sophy is.. (so cute) humble says (10:39 有仟):
thank you snr
42 inches of pure evil says (10:44 有仟):
tell your whole part to take care as well okay?
42 inches of pure evil says (10:45 有仟):
everyhting is okay :) want to hug all of you but cant so yah
Sophy is.. (so cute) humble says (10:45 有仟):
yes snr
42 inches of pure evil says (10:45 有仟):
i give you wink
Sophy is.. (so cute) humble says (10:45 有仟):
thank you snr
42 inches of pure evil winks (10:45 有仟):

Play "Cheer_up"
Sophy is.. (so cute) humble says (10:46 有仟):
thank you snr

thank you
cheer up kays!!


Dearest platoon mates,

Firstly, to sophy. I don't think anyone's blaming you for it. Nobody expected such things to happen lah. Perhaps, this is just yet another obstacle that has to befall CHARLIE, something that we are unable to control, not within our limits. But this is also another challenge that we have to learn to go through together. Remember out motto, UNITED WE STAND. I believe, that nothing is going to stop us from achieving what we want, right? Let's overcome all these together, as CHARLIE...USM, don't blame yourself anymore, unless you tell us that you are in cahoots with him, which definitely cannot be.

Yup, next, on mlg...

R CUBE - Race, Raise, Rays!

There will be a charity race on 10 Aug, at Sentosa, organized by a group of NJC students. Tickets are sold at $5 each. All proceeds will be donated to MINDS and the ticket includes getting a FREE wristband and admission to Sentosa! If you are interested to donate or buy the ticket, please approach any councilors as they will be selling the tickets!
Also, you may be interested in setting up booths during the event. You can sell food, set up games stalls and just about anything under the Sun! For this, only 20% of the revenue will be donated to MINDS, while the rest go to you - your CCA fund, your class fund, or just money for a well-earned treat. You can get CIP hours for setting up booths as well. There will be no rental fees whatsoever (provided you pay the 20% of total revenue) so it's a great way to raise funds for your class/ CCA!

do you all wana take part? i think its kind of interesting! we can take part in the booths thingy, then can help to raise funds for part/contingent:D good idea? or if you all think now got a lot of tests, very stressful then perhaps we can just take part in the run. Not only can we help with the charity, then we got free admission right? after that can have part outing, walk around sentosa (cause that time we only stayed at the beach to play). Yup, i am just suggesting lah. You all see how and post your comments on tagboard k?

and lastly, Ma'am Ho's birthday is on 5th august. do you all wana help her celebrate? or maybe we can give her a present/surprise as a contingent since she's been doing so much for us... yup. okay, thats all.

take care okay platoon mates! I LOVE YOU WORZXZXZXZXZXXZ...

ke li mei mei (the girl who is trying to kick off her habit of the AH LIAN style of behaving.)


change mood le!!!!!!!
im sorry!! but this is like damn random!!!!
but i wanted to tell you guys this today~!
you guys have to do a NATIONAL HERITAGE WRITE UP
its due by next MONDAY is soft copy(28 july)
NEXT TUEDAY is hard copy (29 july)

it counted for BUC so do your best ok!!!

1) one page write up on your OWN learning journey (battle field)
eg. my class went to changi that side to see the super big cannon that couldn't be turned to face the japanese.
2) content is one page long, plus pictures must be 2 pages

3) do own Microsoft word

4) write up must be decorated nicely
5) counted for BUC
6)no format
7) treat it seriously

i think thats all. thank you!!
PS: bring money for you badges on monday!


i guess i owe everyone an apology.
every single one of you today.
it was my fault that this happen.
if i didn't insist on having _____ _______ today, you all wouldn't be in such trauma
if i didn't agree on prof today, they wouldn't have been so scared.
im sorry. really really sorry
but i know no matter how much i say
the thing would not be able to erase from you minds
and no matter what i say,
i know you all wouldn't blame me
but im sorry

im sorry, i owe every single single one of you
im sorry i didn't notice it earlier
im sorry i made you all _____ near that place
im sorry i didn't do anything when i saw that thing
im sorry i still took my time to do things
im sorry i suggested to do it there
im sorry tat all could do is scream
im sorry wasn't brave enough
im sorry i got you all into this
im sorry for saying all the vulgarities today
im sorry that...
if i won't for me, all this couldn't have happen to you
i was my greediness for me wanting for you all to get it
im in debt with you guys for my whole life

AJ: im sorry i carried on without you, if i hadn't been so greedy, the rest wouldn't have been through this. i Thank you for not coming. it really made a diff.
CT: im sorry you had to go through all that interrogation im sorry you had to see it. im sorry that today scared your cadets.im sorry i didn't realise from your timing during marching i thank you for being there for me at th bus stop
CY: im sorry for making you trauma. you were strong on the outside but nobody could realise how scared you were in the inside. thank you for giving my courage.
KELLY: im sorry for all that i mentioned, i shouldn't have been greedy, i shouldn't have been so rash, always putting the strong front. thank you for being there for me :D and alway protecting the cadets
SM: im sorry that today scared your cadets, im sorry that i was too friendly with them. thank you for being there with me to catch and find that thing and giving me courage because i was actually very scared but i know you were beside me
YS: im sorry for all that ive done, i know that you was traumatized too. i about turn and you.. im sorry i made you all march that way, and im sorry i didn't realise when you all were marching. thank you for being there and encourage us.
JOVI: im sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my dear daughter, its been a great trauma ever since you have been born. im sorry for marching you all there and not realising after you had told me to stop. im sorry that i scared you many times like screaming out and stuff, im sorry. thank you for tellin me to stop if not i could have never realise. thank you.
LYNN: im sorry for everything. i can't be anymuch more. thank you for being the strong one and helping go report. thank you.
WANI: im sorry that i carried on without you. if i hadn't been so selfish for and if i waited for another day when the whole part is present then.. thank you for not coming, it saved my life
HC: im sorry for ignoring you since you came because there was much more things that was going on in my head.im sorry you had to come and.. thank you for helping catch the thing.
JY: im sorry for doing all that i have done to your cadets. i accept your punishment. im sorry. thank you for being there and being strong, i knew how much you wanted to break down because of alot of things and today just made thing s worst. sorry.

the above all doesn't just apply to the specific person.
my apologies are for all.
im sorry to the partbs and you all.
i dun wish for your forgiveness.
im sorry


Sunday 13 July 2008
hello!! back again
i found this on snr shiyu's blog!!
she said this
"Tmr will be their first
They're excited and im excited for them too=)"!
ok just wanted to post that.


hey platoonmates (:

just to post something that sop told me to help her post (:

from ma'am sophia:
"anw, there is alot of things to expect and to fufil as a specialist. for the unit and for yourself. though the journey may seem arduous, hang on tight and never give up. yes, you guys may be lack of pple, but i hope you guys can retain the best girls' trophy next year and the year after next. hope for the best. tell that to the rest of the specs as well. enjoy your journey. "

*oh ya, dont tell ma'am debbie that ma'am sophia told you guys about she coming down tmr

ALL THE BEST SPECS (platoonmates :D) for 1ST ACTIVITY TMR!!! (:



Saturday 12 July 2008
heyhey i send the proposal to ma'ams alr here is her reply!!
btw, its ma'am debbie:

The proposals are well done, keep up the good work. Make sure there's a proper proposal for every activity & email it to me.A few things to add, when you schedule Games for PT, include what games you'll be doing, your logistics needed?
For footdrills, specify what footdrills are to be carried out.
For Orienteering, list down what exactly the cadets will be doing, include the route that they're going t train at (Always Always Always make sure you guys have recce the place beforehand)
Keep up with the 'aims of the day', that is very important for the contingent to stay on track.

14 July being your part's first activity, remember t set the ground rules. Be firm with them(your own specialists and the cadets) but there wouldnt be a need to be over-harsh on them.
It is very very important to let them know your expectations of them, I expect the contingent to be disciplined, Crescent NCC has a good reputation and it should never be tarnished or allow standards t drop, Clear?

*Your specialists better behave themselves, you guys are no longer cadets, everyone is looking at you guys

Update me about the contingent's and your part's progress on a regular basis(take note)******

yap thats it..
good job specs!! :D:D
im going!
ncos remember to tell the details out to your cadets and update me on all the correction ma'am debbie said in her email.

please remember to bring your track pants and water bottle
(PS. anyone found a total defence badge in their pencil box??? it belongs to the npcc cause i borrowed from them on ROD. i threw it into someones pencil box after the gold total defence badge test. please check. thanks. and please check anyone found a black pouch for ipod that contents my EZlink card.. thanks )

i know its a bit too late......
love sophy :D


Thursday 10 July 2008
Erm, I know this sounds very cheesy or whatever.
But I have like a post dedicated for u all in my blog.
But a word of warning, you all might get sick reading it. So ya, for those who don't know that I have a blog, I do. And the link is in the part blog. so if u all can come here, you all will be able to access my blog.

ct's retarded partner.


Wednesday 9 July 2008

i was planning to use this as our partblog's future blogskin.
in case you all get a shock later, you should view it first.
if you think you look bad enough, look at the others.

love, chenting


Sunday 6 July 2008
Charlie08: Carry on the tradition, and clinch the best girls/gold unit again! I have confidence in all of you. All of you grew from a bunch of clueless sec1s to a responsible and outstanding platoon; I place my utmost faith in all of you to bring Crescent to greater glory. Never underestimate yourself!!!!!!!!!! Love,Constance

found that on her blog...

senior wai han's blog:
ROD chalet this year is really well organized, good job specs!Shiyu and wendy kept asking me if their part assures me that they will be able to be good specs.Actually, to be honest, i had my doubts them, but they proved themselves to be capable and caring specs. I believe in them that they can do it and that they will clinch the best girls' unit again for year 2008(hopefully!)!

senior xiang liang:
Had an awesome time at the chalet. Thank you specs! The memory lane, presents, early morn warm ups, games, food, everything was great! Kudos to all of you for the chalet.May you guys bring crescent ncc to greater heights!


<3ke li


Saturday 5 July 2008
i just wanna ask if everyone is ok if i give your msn emails to the snr so that they can add you
cos snr constance wants them
if nobody rejects by tomorrow 1am
im going to send it to senior shiyu

and !!
please add snr shiyu at lishiyu92@hotmail.com
AND wendy bird at wen.dy_@hotmail.com


Friday 4 July 2008
forth of july.
R.O.D night.
the moon may shine bright.
but charlie'08 misses our moonlight.


Thursday 3 July 2008
Will we still be able to sit together
will we still be able to listen to each other's thoughts
will we still be able to depend on one another
will we still be able to share our joy
will we still be able to cry in one another's shoulder
will we still be able to fool around and having fun
will we still be able to sing
will we still be able to cheer
will we still be able to march as a platoon
will we still be able to sweat like yesterday
will we still be able to uphold our name
will we still be able to go through thick and thin like we use too
will we still be able to ... ...

will we feel the same
when we take over

United we stand Charlie


An Updated Version of R.O

4th July – Friday

5.35 – 7.20 *Bus/MRT Ride and to the specific chalet- 45 min

*suggestion: If we reach earlier than the specs, cadets & us play some contingent bonding games, such as ‘blow wind blow’ (since the current specs said we always isolate ourselves)

Just a suggestion, you all creative people can think of other game luh :D

7.30 – 8.20 Dinner & discussing of cadet night – 50 min

8.25 – 9.10 Cadet Night – 45 min

9.15 – 9.55 Ex-NCO time – 40 min

10.00 – 10.30 bring all cadets back to MRT/Bus stop – 30 min

10.45 – 11.05 giving out R.O.D presents – 15 - 20 min

11.10 – whatever time *Successor Talk

* Supper will be served at 00.00 and at any point of time if they feel hungry or whatsoever can go take their own serving

5th July – Saturday

7.30 Lights on

8.00 – 8.40 Breakfast

8.45 -10 *Game and interaction

* Some of our pltmate suggested water ball; meaning we have to tell the specialist now to bring swim wears

Other Suggestions Frisbee; beach ball; hide and seek; blind mice;

before i end, #12 ask me to pass the whole part a msg, how you all want to end our cadet night, do you all want to pass the ROD presents at that point of time, or you all want to pass them in private after the cadets left the chalet. If not how you all want to end it??
i think the simplist is said Thank you, and stay tune (:
& who's going to be the MC for cadet night??



by the time you read this i think its like after todays activity......
so how was it???
i will find out in 3hours time.
and this will be or last cadet activity
so sad
but im abit scared......
chentings post was like super HUMONGOUS??
ohhh.. to jovi and chen.. get well soon... hope to see you all tmr :D
esp the super duper important ic and the super duper cute jovi :D:D
yup its like myfree period noe because mdm alexis yeoh never come.....
gtg for physics spa....
bye my fellow platoonmates
i love you as much

charlie '08, specs-to-be

anonymous :D


Wednesday 2 July 2008

ya, just something i did quite long ago.
as you can see, its still "bravo".
i added that spot of light behind jy's head!
ya, dont be too stressed out, platoonmates.

chenting the cutie pie
p.s.even I find that disgusting. hahaha


Hey Platoon mates!

CHEN TING THE PRO just edited a song.
here it goes...

Perfect – Simple Plan

Hey specs look at us
Think back and talk to us
Did we grow up according To plan?
And do you think we’re wasting our time
doing things we used to do?
But it hurts when you
Disapprove all along
And now we try hard to make it
we just want to make you proud
although you’d say action speaks louder than words
we’ll try our very best
And you can stop us.

we won’t lose it all
we will fight till the end
we’re sorry
we can't be Perfect
but we’ll try our best
no matter how hard
we’re sorry
we can't be Perfect

we’ll try not to show
About the pain we feel inside
Did you know you all still are our hero?
All the days
You’ve spent with us
Now seem so far away
And we really don’t want to say goodbye

And now we try hard to make it
we just want to make you proud
although you’d say action speaks louder than words
we’ll try our very best
And you can stop us.

we won’t lose it all
we will fight till the end
we’re sorry
we can't be Perfect
but we’ll try our best
no matter how hard
we’re sorry
we can't be Perfect

Nothing's gonna change
The things that you said
will be etched deeply inside our hearts (this part got any better suggestions???)
Please don't turn your back
I can't believe it's hard
Just for us to say this
we’ll miss you very much

we won’t lose it all
we will fight till the end
we’re sorry
we can't be Perfect
but we’ll try our best
no matter how hard
we’re sorry
we can't be Perfect

we won’t lose it all
we will fight till the end
we’re sorry
we can't be Perfect
but we’ll try our best
no matter how hard
we’re sorry
we can't be Perfect

ya, what do you all think? can use this for cadets night?

this is just a suggestion lah.

cause r.o.d is like what, 2 days later...ya.

then if you all wana edit better then edit.

oh, and i was wondering if it is a good idea to develop some of the photos that senior asilah gave us then we can use the photos and paste it all over the wall of the spec's chalet. cause since we're only giving them the bottle, then why not help them to make this chalet a more meaningful one... this is just a suggestion from me lah, dun want then its okay. but the latest must develop by tomorrow evening if you all dun mind the idea. then i can ask my maid to collect on fri afternoon and bring to school for me. ya... so you all sms me can? thanks!

<3Ke Li Mei Mei


Tuesday 1 July 2008
Good evening Charlie (:

I'm a sad girl this week, cause Germany lost the finals!!!!! But you guys have made me happy so thank you :D I just want to say 'CONGRATULATIONS!!!' for completing the nc board rather on time today and it looks damn animated & chio okay!!!! Imagine if we really kena locked-up in school just now sia, hahah.

And sorry to have bothered you guys just now with my lost phone and everything, I managed to call Citycab and get the uncle's number so yeah, THANK YOU for your concern(: Sorry Jia Yue & Shu Mei for using your phones extensively just now.

Love, AJ-who-hasn't-done-homework-and-studied-for-a-test-tmr <333
