Ingredients of Delta 09♥:
1 adventurous aj,
1 charging chandni,
1 chio chenting,
1 vigilant viona,
1 CUTEST chih-yin,
1 k-rispy kelly,
1 smart shumei,
1 yee-li-cious yeeshan,
1 jolly jovina,
1 loving lynette,
1 happy hooichoo,
1 sexy syazwani,
1 soapy sophy,
1 joking jiayue,
a spoonful of fun,
bottles of love,
sprinkles of joy,
Mix well and there you have it,
a crazy platoon called Delta 09





images:US! deviantart

Wednesday 15 December 2010

EDIT: Still trying to avoid my assignments and making this post more personal and longer and treating this as my personal blog. I must have edited this post at least 5 times and no one has read it.


This blog is super dead, at least leave some comments when you see this post, I'm supposed to do my graded assignments but... this is more interesting to do, actually my assignments are interesting too but once they have the label of assignments on them, they automatically become boring which is really saddening.

Sorry the rest of you are not in the photos because you guys are just not in the photos I took or you're blur or your expressions are so unglam which happens very frequently so I decided to save you guys by not uploading them.

And chih-yin I want to eat ice cream too, bring me to that nice place too. This is referring to her blog post. Chih-yin, I don't want to be awkward friends with you so let's communicate more often! I don't want us to drift apart like drift wood, sorry, trying to be funny there. Go to Taiwan and have fun there!

Some cute Jovina, when are you coming back? Jovina, you take care of yourself too! Tell me more about what is happening in your life. Can I be creepy and say that I feel so happy for you? Haha. You ignored my facebook post asking the same thing. >:| EDIT: Okay, Jo should be back now, sorry, I just went to check facebook.

Sophy, hmmmmm.... you're nice. I mean it. Haha, if you need a boost of self-confidence, feel free to approach me. I just want to talk or communicate more with you guys but... sometimes it's so hard to make the first move but I will try my best to do that and I've never been so busy in December, actually not but I still feel busy. It's so weird.

Chen Ting that just woke up, looks very nice, don't you think? It gives her a soft edge not that she has a hard edge. This was during camp by the way, March camp. I have some other pictures of the cadets eating dinner or breakfast; likely breakfast but I doubt you guys want to see photos of them because this is a part blog, by this time, I am blabbing and just trying to avoid my assignments. Good job if you actually read all this. Haha.

Chen Ting is a jelly bean, cheer up too! You'll know what you want to do in the future when the time comes, I think it's a gradual process that we all go through, something will happen and we'll just know. Don't think too much, it's not very healthy, think moderately. I feel like so many of us have matured so much and I feel oddly proud. Haha.

Hooi Choo, good luck for your common tests! Thank you for being in Ngee Ann, your presence made me felt better in the first few months. Erm, I feel that you have become more open and friendly, which is a good thing because it would be really sad if we didn't know more about you and we just drift apart. Thank you for coming to part outings and joining in! :D

Ma'am Ho, wonder how she is doing now, I miss Camp or more like the atmosphere of camp. Today I went to school at 9am and did a stupid quiz. Random details about my life, shu mei, can you go update your blog?

Shu Mei, you're really nice too and I mean it too, sometimes, it's hard for me to express what I really feel about you guys into words so just accept my "you're nice" or ask me in person so I can tell you in a better way. Okay, I'll try to bully you lesser. :D

Aj, do you even still appear here? Tell me more about your life too! One day, I shall go visit you and eat ice cream, at that time, remember to give me more ice cream!!! Stop trying to lose weight if you still are trying to do so, at least lose it healthily, okay? You're beautiful and I hope you know that!

Lynette too, what are you up to these days? I want to go to your house and nua around and talk more!! Oh, I'm really glad that you're happy and all, and that you're more cheerful than before, be more confident, okay? You're really nice too.

Bonus : Chand, don't be emo! :D Take care of yourself and enjoy your life!! Update us on your life too! We are all on separate routes now(like all of us literally) but we'll still meet back and reminisce about the past together. Hehe.

Kelly, this is the smile I want to see on you.(In the photo) Cheer up, everything will get better with time. I suck at giving advice but if you need a listening ear or a shoulder to lean on, I'll be there~ *does the 2pm shuffle* That applies for everyone of you.

Erm Jia Yue, can you appear more frequently in my life? Did that sound mean? I meant that we should meet up more? Haha, or something along the lines of that. I want to know more about your life but it's okay if you don't want to tell me. hehe. Vietnam looked fun but was your blog post an assignment?

Another bonus: Super Chen Ting (who just woke up again)

Erm Wanie, if you appear here, which I highly doubt so, I don't know what misunderstanding our part has but I'm sorry for not doing my part in understanding you more as your partner. I hope you have fun in SP and do your best!

You guys can maybe look forward to the next batch of photos, when I feel like going to dig up old photos. Take care guys and love you lots! :D

To end off with a touching statement, there's no way I can express the gratitude I have for having you guys as friends. Thank you and everyone don't feel inferior about yourself because all of you are beautiful in your own way. I love every single one of you.
