Ingredients of Delta 09♥:
1 adventurous aj,
1 charging chandni,
1 chio chenting,
1 vigilant viona,
1 CUTEST chih-yin,
1 k-rispy kelly,
1 smart shumei,
1 yee-li-cious yeeshan,
1 jolly jovina,
1 loving lynette,
1 happy hooichoo,
1 sexy syazwani,
1 soapy sophy,
1 joking jiayue,
a spoonful of fun,
bottles of love,
sprinkles of joy,
Mix well and there you have it,
a crazy platoon called Delta 09





images:US! deviantart

Tuesday 22 September 2015
Hey guys~
I wonder who still checks this blog?
Anyway, having a shared blog with so many users who can update it sure is fun now that I think about it.
Though it is quite sad that nobody even updates this space nor check this spot anymore haha.
Fun fact: we only had like  2 views within the past week and they're from Germany? what gives? hahaha.

omg the last post was made like 2 years ago? hahaha.

Anyway, super brief update would be that:
1) Thank God we are still close
2) Next year would be the 10th year that we know each other!! How exciting is that?!
3) There are always 2 sides to a coin so sad thing is that despite that very exciting event coming up, next year would also be the year that most of us are graduating from Uni and stepping into the next chapter of our lives so it would be another test of friendship for us i guess! I'm not gonna say over-optimistic stuff like "but i'm sure all of us are still gonna stay close foreverrrr!". Things always hit us when we're least expecting it but one thing is for sure and that is you guys are all very important people to me (Or is it just that I have no friends? hahaha. but if I think about it i think the reason that i have no friends is because you guys are enough for me (a.k.a too much to handle hehe)(also, that doesn't not make grammatical sense but let's not dwell on small details like that.)
4) For anyone who wanna stalk us, please search for #UWSDELTA09 on instagram if you have one! But i think some of their accounts may be locked so maybe not too many posts can be seen but you'll definitely be able to see mine! (at least for now that is ><)
4) We have all changed so much over the years and I really appreciate that everyone is still putting in effort to stay connected and close despite the occasional unhappiness or getting hurt unintentionally or feeling left out. I will try my best to connect everyone (I hope!). and hopefully this continues into the future as well as reality makes it difficult to do so.
5) For maximum LOLs, check out the older posts on this blog.
6) I changed the fonts so that it is easier for our eyes. gotta protect dem eyes as we're getting old~

I somehow have the feeling that I'm not making much sense but oh well its 2.27am.
Love you guys~
